Cogeco Communications

Press release details

Cogeco launches its Ultimate 120 High Speed Internet package in Quebec

Cogeco launches its Ultimate 120 High Speed Internet package in Quebec
for its residential subscribers
Montréal, January 21, 2014 Cogeco Cable Canada (“COGECO) today announced the
launch of its Ultimate 120 High Speed Internet (HSI) residential package in the province of
. With this new package, COGECO can now offer to its residential customers an
increased download speed and a better performance.
The Ultimate 120 package offers downl oad speeds up to 120 Mbps and upl oad s peeds of up
to 10 Mb ps, as well as a monthly data transfer capacity of 400 GB.
Anne Isabel l e Rouss y, Vic e Pres ident Market ing and Produc t De vel opm ent at Cogeco C âble
Canada is proud of this new package launch
: Ultimate 120 is our answer to the
growing usage needs and expectations of our residential Internet customers.
T his p ac kag e ens ures t hat memb ers of the s ame f amily, of t en usi ng th e Internet
simultaneous ly and on multiple platforms, to have a quality experience, all while
using the same service. Our improved offering meets our residential customers
needs and i llust r at es the eff orts we ar e making in order t o c ontinue to off er th em
increasingly robust and flexible Internet services.”
COGECO’s residential High Speed Internet packages information is available on
Available where technology permits.
Cogeco Cable Canada ( regroups the Canadian cable operations of
Cogeco Cable Inc. Cogeco Cable Canada is the second largest cable operator in
Ontario and Qu ebec in term s of th e num ber of Basic Cable s ervic e cust om ers ser ved.
Cogeco Cable Inc. is a telecommunications corporation and is the 11th largest hybrid
fibre coaxial cable operator in North America operating in Canada under the Cogeco
Cable brand name in Quebec and Ontario, and in the United States through its
subsidiary Atlantic Broadband in Western Pennsylvania, South Florida,
Maryland/D el aware an d Sou t h C ar ol i na. It s tw o-way br oadband c abl e net w orks pr ovid e
to its residential and small business customers Analogue and Digital Television, High
S p eed I n t er n et ( « HS I » ) and Tel ep h ony s e r vi c es . Through it s subsi d iar ies C og ec o D ata
S er vi ces an d P E E R 1 H ost i n g , C og eco C ab le I n c . p r ovi de s i t s com merci al cu stomers a
suite of IT hosting, inform ation and communications technology services (Data Centre,
Co-location, Managed Hosting, Cloud Infrastructure and Connectivity), with 20 data
c en t r es, e xten si ve f i bre net wor k s i n M on t r e al an d Toron t o as w el l a s p oi n t s-of-presence
in Nort h Am eric a and E urope. Cog ec o Cabl e Inc .’s subordinat e v oting shares ar e li st ed
on the Toronto Stock Exchange ( TSX: CCA).
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Information: Marina Brzeski
Director, Corporate Communications
Tel: (514) 764-4613